2014 has been one hell of a ride for me. And there is still one more month left! My last blog post was December 2013 and Twitter saw no love either while I navigated through one crazy year. And here's why...
- Last year I did not enjoy my work environment which prompted me to
- Apply for graduate school in January but first
- I needed to take the GRE which took countless hours of studying while I was
- Researching and applying for a number of graduate schools in the region but then
- I left my place of employment that made me so unhappy and then
- I got into every graduate school I applied to but decided to put it on pause when I
- Accepted another job that left me unfilled and incredibly anxious so I
- Left and went through a period of "funemployment" which actually was exactly the time I needed to review my life, what I wanted and to take control of my newfound anxiety I acquired during my post-graduate period. During my "funemployment"
- I only applied for positions that I felt I was qualified for and that I knew I would be happy doing. I had several successful interviews while enjoying lazy days at the beach, 10 a.m. Barre classes, lounging with long-lost friends and mending clothes that had been sitting in my closet for years!
After my month of funemployment I accepted a job that allows me to work with new people every day, challenges me with writing projects, lets me express my creativity and genuinely makes it hard for me to leave once 5 o' clock rolls around. I can't tell you enough how happy I am that I went through so much stress this year! Seriously! Because now I am standing in the light at the end of the tunnel. I have a job I love, stronger relationships with my friends and a better sense of my priorities and what I want in the future.
This year I also stopped writing because a former employer told me I could not write. Which shook my confidence for OBVIOUS reasons. I also realized that I was afraid of littering the internet with more "basic" and ridiculous content. After reading this article from Relevant Magazine, I am not going to allow negative thoughts trick me into thinking that pursuing my dreams is arrogant.
You can be bold and humble at the same time. It isn’t pride or arrogance to attack your dream and acknowledge you’re qualified to do so.Also, I realize now that my former employer was just a jealous and hateful person. You know who you are.
My boyfriend showed me this TedTalk about how stress is a good thing. And it has changed my life!
Stop comparing yourself.
An article about Twitter vs. Facebook.
And journaling has saved my life. If you aren't doing it, start!
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