yes! I'm.that.girl.

Yep. We've all been there. We have all been "that girl". We have all done something taboo, weird or shocking that slaps that label on us. I, however, am not ashamed of my "that girl-ness"! I EMBRACE IT. And these are my girls.


Yes. I'm that girl who...

1. Dog-eared that library book you just picked up.

I CAN'T HELP IT! I'll read a line from a book or magazine and I dog-ear it so I don't forget it! Yes. I know that the book is not mine. Yes. I know it's messed up. BUT I LOVE IT. I'm surprised the Charleston County Public Library hasn't caught on to me yet. Oh and that genocide book from Addlestone Library with all the weired scribbles, drawings, dog-ears and notes....that was me. I'm that girl.

2. Sings everything.

I sing in the shower. I sing at work. I sing while I cook. I sing when I run. I sing at the grocery store (my fav. place to sing actually). I sing in the bathroom. I sing by myself. I sing when I read. ALL THE TIME. & what's funny is that it's contagious. Now my friends sing all the time.  I can also construct jingles on the fly. It's a talent. Yep. I'm that girl.

3. Stole the waitress' pen.

This should honestly be classified as some weird fetish or something but I ADORE a nice ballpoint pen. I write a lot and often! So any time I see a Grade A ballpoint pen, it's going in my purse. For sure. I've even been so low as to put one between my bra because I didn't have a purse. Also, if you have a purple pen, just consider it MINE. MWAHAHA. I'm that girl.

4. Cries at the drop of the hat.

I cry when I'm mad, sad, excited (this freaks people out), pissed off, stressed, happy, etc.
I cry when I'm walking on the sidewalk (with sunnies of course), in front of strangers, at the grocery store, in my car with the windows down, at a restaurant, in class, at pet stores (bunnies are just too damn cute), etc.
I cry at movies, tv shows, commercials (especially action movie trailers), old people, my sister, sad cats, books, birds, the sky, etc.
*sniffle sniffle*. I'm that girl.

HOWEVER, let me clarify that I have NEVER cried at work or drunkenly at a bar. Surprisingly, I'm not THAT kinda girl. Funny huh?

Peace easy,

the fourth.

P.S. Fuel always has the best blue ballpoint pens. I told you...I'm sick.

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