Don't You Just Love...

Random and disorganized posts from bloggers??!!

OMIGAH me too!
So here's what's making me happy {and indifferent} today. I hope it brightens yours too.

Ya'll...there used to be McPizza! And McSpaghetti! McSPAGHETTI???!!!! 
Wow. My mind just experienced a nuclear explosion.

2. I was sad.

{bye bye leaky roof, drunken neighbors and regular drug deals. I'm gonna miss you. No but...for real. I love you.}

3. But THEN I picked up the August issue of skirt! Magazine and it was CRAZY how perfect it was. The ENTIRE issue was about making your house a home, having that place of comfort and loving your home. It was incredibly helpful and reminding me how lucky I am to still be in Charleston and have a place I can call my own. Also, it looks awesome now! Pics are coming sooooonnn!

4. Tina Fey, I love you. She has given me my new mantra: "Just say yes and figure out the rest later." Adios responsibility and logic!


Peace easy,

the fourth

P.S. Here is a commercial for the McPizza. CRAZZZYYY TOWWNN.

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