WEEKENDING IT: North Chuck Style

Ooooohhh. There are so many cool events happening in North Charleston this weekend!

& ooohhhh. So much random Internet crap I want to share!

Enjoy! And HAPPY FRIDAY! We made it!

1) Chuck and I are going to hit up the Sparc HackaThon!
I'm taking him for all the geeky computer science and app stuff. And I'm going with the hopes of snagging some great swag. Wish me luck!

2) And Mixson Market is having some random dog event.
But I may hit it up to see one of my favorite local bands, Brave Baby. Ohhh...and then try out Basico since I'll be over there. Nom nom!

3) I am currently OBSESSED with Jessica Williams from the Daily Show. AHHHH! Check this Glamour article out.

4) I plan on finishing Z this weekend. It's so beautifully written. I can see everything she writes.

5) I'm surprisingly addicted to my Barre class at Eco.

6) List of beers with the lowest calories. NOM.

7) Tina Fey has TWO shows coming out this fall?! YES MA'AM!

peace easy,

the fourth.

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