My Never Ending Cycle

Oh yes...I did it again. I started blogging with the sheer ambition that I would create fabulous content at least three times a week and then actively promote my work.


See, I have this cycle. I get so excited because all I want to do is share my passion for style, fitness, The Big Guy and comedy. And a blog is PERFECT for those kind of ramblings. However, then I get busy. But don't be fooled. That's not why I stop. I get busy and then convince myself that it was a stupid idea to think I could blog in the first place. Yep. It's my thing. I love talking myself out of stuff.

BUT NO MORE! I am done. OVER IT. Especially after reading this incredibly insightful Huffington Post article about actively pursuing your passion.

SO WATCH OUT WORLD! April is hear to stay and you will LOVE IT. I just need to make sure I stick with it.

Anyway, Happy Monday world! I hope yours is as great and naive as mine!

Peace easy,


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