dear charleston...

Dear Charleston,

I love you. I adore you. So I'm going to start dedicating love letters in your honor. Here we go!

Charleston, oh Charleston! How I love your indecisive weather. Your decesion to downpour on a sunny day and to delete my day plans. It is so nice of you to create a river outside my door and to protect  my residence with a temporary moat.

Charleston, oh Charleston! Thank you for the transferable self-esteem. No matter what day or evening, I can't help but feel freaking fabulous just because I'm a Charlestonian. I strut my stuff down our brick runway. I join countless other female fashionistas on a quest to pose for a street style photo or receive a shouted compliment from across the way. The confidence you give me is delusional and I.AM.ADDICTED.

Charleston, oh Charleston! Thank you for stealing two of my bikes, a tire, two recycling bins and my GPS. You're right. I didn't need them anyway.

Charleston, oh Charleston! I don't mind your uneven pavements! Don't let people pick on you about that. Trust me, there have been many times that the Charleston Shuffle has cheered up one of your children.

Charleston, oh Charleston! I love your beauty. Don't ever change.

Peace easy,

the fourth.

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