tuesday tales...

HEY! You know who I hate...

People that are mean or rude or nasty JUST because.

When people are genuinely mean or rude to me, it freaks me out. Seriously. I pride myself on kindness and my foundation often times seems to be built upon it. However, I'm no push-over. I don't cry and cower in fear the second someone's rude to me. Instead it's more like a, "Oh. Hmm. That was different. I'm not used to that at all. I don't like this feeling. It better not happen again."

{this is how I felt after the incident}

So a couple of nights ago, my friend had to pee. Given the fact that I'm never embarrassed and love to talk to strangers, my friends ALWAYS elect me to chat up random people if they need something. So, I asked the bouncer at A.C.'s, "Would you mind if my friend skipped these couple of people to use the restroom." He then proceeded to be a COMPLETE prick and tried {unsuccessfuly} to embarrass me in front of a bunch of randos.

I was pissed! I told him he was rude and walked away. Not only was he blantantly mean but he also WANTED to hurt my feelings. Wanted to embarass me. Which pissed me off even more!

The next day, I was working an event. Of course, because the F&B industry recycles employees like no other, guess who I saw??!! Yes! The prick bouncer was the photographer {yeah. I know. RANDOM} at this event. Immediately, he walked over to me and said, "Did I see you last night?!"

Yes sir...yes you did!!!

I couldn't wait to tell him everything that I was hoping to tell him later that night! {I planned on waiting in line at A.C.'s until I got to the door and then telling him off for being rude to loyal customers of his bar. In hindsight, it was a little pathetic but I was BITTER!}

"Yes. Yes you did see me last night. You were the mean bouncer from A.C.'s that yelled at me for no reason. That was actually pretty rude and I did not appreciate or expect it." {I feel like I channeled Jessica Day here!}

Then something CRAZY happened.

He apologized. I was shocked. He look a little shocked too.

He told me that when he gets into "bouncer mode" he kind of turns on his jerky side so that people don't try to get any sort of leeway or take advantage of him.

It made sense. I said thank you. We talked for five more minutes and then he went back to taking pictures of hungry tourists and angry lushes.

Isn't that crazy?! I actually got the apology I wanted. When does that ever happen?! SERIOUSLY.

Moral of the story: If you want an apology, don't be a little coward about it! Ask for it. And when you see the opportunity, pounce on it!

Peace easy,

the fourth.

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