Ya'll! Last Thursday I got invited to a party at the South Carolina Aquairum!

It was SOOOOO sick {one of the many perks of working at the CVB}.

 {Awww. Look at my handsome man!} 

It was for anyone working the hospitality industry in the City of Charleston {aka ME!}.
It was really to showcase all the new decor and event features each company had just acquired.

But for me it was a MAJOR networking opportunity that led to loads of fun & me being able to show of Charles!

YA'LL! The food was AMAZING!
 Because it's Charleston, they had TO DIE FOR macaroni & cheese, pork sliders and coffee mousse. NOM NOM NOM.

Also, the DRINKS. They were overflowing. They had a specialty cocktail called a Charleston Mule that made me very happy!

It was super neat! Only downside was that it was on a Thursday which made for a pretty sad Friday..

peace easy,

the fourth.

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