Weekending It: Chuck Style

Ello! What are your weekend plans?! Honestly I'm just happy I don't have to travel anywhere! I think weekend Charleston misses me and I miss it too! Here are my plans.

1) I'm hitting up Party at the Point.

-They are having a reggae night and I'm sure it'll be tons of fun! And no, I'm not only going because I'm getting in for free. Or am I...MWAHAHA.

2) Gorging myself at the Charleston Farmer's Market THEN spending my last twenty bucks at the library book sale!

- THIS BOOK SALE IS AMAZING. Honestly, it makes me want to cry. I get so overwhelmed with how many books there are and how CHEAP. Like, 50 cents and $1 cheap. And I have gotten some CLASSIC VHS movies here as well. Can you say, "Goosebumps: Haunted Mask"?

3) What else is there to do when it's sunny and hot in Charleston?

 - BEACH TIME FOOLS! I'm trying to convince my friend Charlie to bring his dog too!

Happy weekend,

the fourth.

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