Happy Birthday Amanda & Weekending It: Scared Style

My best friend's birthday is today. I'm not gonna lie...I'm terrified. In a great way though! This is what's on the plate for this weekend!

But 1st...a Happy Birthday post to the most genuine and beautiful girl I know!

This beaut has pulled me from depressions. Forces me to have fun when I don't want to. Makes her mom make me DANK birthday cakes. And is always down for a good time. I love you Amanda. I hope your birthday is as fabulous as you are.

1) Market Pavilion Rooftop Bar!
My beautiful red head wants to class it up with a Rooftop appearance. She's never been and I absolutely love it. Then after that...who knows??!! Let's just hope I make it out alive...

2) Money money money MONEY!

All day Saturday I will be helping out with the Grub Crawl event in Charleston. The event is put on by Bon Apetit so I'm hoping for some quality networking! I'm super stoked and it should be loads of fun! 

3) Le beach.

Oh Mother Earth, please protect Sunday. I want to go to the beach for hours and I can't do that if you keep trying to make Charleston the next Atlantis!!! But seriously...the weather hear has been SHOCKING.

Peace easy,

the fourth.

P.S. My best friend is kinda really hot!!! YAY ME!

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