HELLO WORLD: my life in photos!

Hi there! If you are super interested to know, this week I...

Worked the 2013 Charleston Grub Crawl (the first one in Charleston actually!) It's put on by Bon Appetit and I met some really cool people. I also got to work with a lot of people in my field and I'm finally starting to feel like we are all connected. WEIRDDDDD!! and scary.

Due to my fabulousness (and because I was the last one there), at the end of my shift, the Grey Goose representative gave me a HUGE handle of their new vodka, Cherry Noir. It was great. What wasn't so great was the balancing act I had to perform on my bike to get that sucker home. By the way, IT'S DELICIOUS!


I celebrated this happy girl's birthday! 

 With these awesome people at Water's Edge! hahaha! Someone hates getting their picture taken.


Then I got caught in a torrential downpour (welcome to Charleston!) and had to camp out on someone's porch for 20 minutes. And yes, she eventually came out. Apparently, her porch is the rain refuge. It happens all the time!!

But then I saw a rainbow! So me getting soaked in a summer storm was DEFINITELY worth it!


Peace easy,

the fourth.

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