?'s I intend on answering...

You know what gets me every time...

BOBBY PINS. You buy a pack that LITERALLY has 100 bobby pins on it and then the next day they are all GONE. What the hell?! It's honestly insane. Well I have a couple of theories that might BLOW.YOUR.MIND.

1) Obviously mice use them to fence with and as a subsititue for fitness equipment. The downside to this theory is that you have mice.

2) You eat them in your sleep. Now, this is far fetched but we have probably all eaten something WAY more disgusting and less edible than a bobby pin. Can I get an amen?!

3) The government is plotting against the women of the United States. They have secret agents (The Bobby Force) that steals pins at night. By making us invest in a product that we believe to be incredibly cheap, actually they steal all of them and make us buy more and more EVERY DAY. Resulting in a trillion dollar industry and massive profit for the U.S. of A. That's cold Obama.

4) You are just ridiculously careless and continue to sweep up, vacuum, flush and lose your bobby pins daily.

The fourth one is the most unrealistic.

Peace easy,

the fourth.

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